OHJA Hunter Seat Medal Finals
The Ohio Hunter Jumper Association Medal Finals is hosted at a show near the end of the horse show season. Members qualify throughout the year at approved horse shows by showing in the OHJA Medal equitation class at their respective height (offered at 2′, 2’6″ and 3′). The class includes an over fences and flat portion.
2024 OHJA Medal Finals (Tentative)
September 5-8, 2024 at Country Heir in Fayetteville, Ohio
2024 OHJA Medal Finals Specifications
For complete details, please read the OHJA Rulebook.
Class to be shown over a course consisting of a minimum of eight (8) fences, with two (2) changes of direction. A maximum of 12 riders, if available, will be required to return for the flat phase. Upon the completion of the flat phase all riders will be asked to leave the ring. Only the riders receiving awards will be asked to return to the ring for award presentation.
To be judged on seat, hands, guidance and control of horse. Each phase of the class (over fences and on the flat) shall count 50 percent.
The following height sections will be offered at OHJA Medal Finals: 2’, 2’3”, 2’6”, 3’ 3’3” and 3’6”. For the year-end Medal Finals, your yearly primary showing height is where you are expected to show. Any deviations from this may be allowed, but this should be approved in writing by the board.
2024 Finals Qualifying Information
Qualification for the year-end OHJA Medal Finals will be based on accumulated points: 1st = 40; 2nd = 35; 3rd = 30; 4th = 25, 5th = 24, 6th = 23. Riders must earn 40 points to qualify.
In addition to OHJA Medal classes, riders may use points from the following equitation classes at OHJA recognized shows toward qualifying: Short Stirrup, Limit, 11 & Under, 12-14, 15-17, Children’s, Adult, Low Children’s, Low Adult, ANY national Medal and WEC medals.
The qualification period ends the last Sunday in August. Points accrued from the last Sunday in August through November 30 will be applied to the following show year.
2023 OHJA Medal Finals Winners
2023 OHJA 3′-3’6″ Medal Winner: Emilie Smith of Granville, Ohio and trained by Jamie Mills (Empress Valley Farm)
2023 OHJA 2′-2’6″ Medal Winner: Mira Platt of Lewis Center, Ohio and trained by Megan Swad (Fairy Tale Farm)